Case Studies 
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Case Studies & Publish

Striving for Deeper Understanding of Medical Conditions and Uncovering the Truth Behind Japanese Original Reiki in History

Case Studies

Beside of the thing that some scientists have conducted research on Reiki, I have added some my case study  on this page.

I had some case studies on blood pressure and sleeping time.Although the sample size was not sufficient for statistical analysis, it would be as a guide for treatment.

In relation to blood pressure,  I measured blood pressure before and after a Reiki session for an hour. Although this study does not yield proper statistical significance, the results were promising. High blood pressure, above 160-170 (systolic), dropped dramatically to the 140s after a one-hour session. This may be attributed to Reiki's promotion of good blood flow and circulation. For those with normal systolic levels, their blood pressure initially increased by 4-5 points but returned to normal within 10-15 minutes. Low blood pressure value increased, with diastolic readings of 70-97 rising to systolic readings of 97-110, and gradually returning to own within 30 minutes. While high blood pressure is often caused by cholesterol, calcium, or other substances adhering to the inner walls of blood vessels, creating increased pressure, it appears that Reiki promotes smooth blood flow through these congested areas. Further research with larger sample sizes is needed, but Reiki may be effective in promoting healthy blood flow for both high and low blood pressure cases.


Regarding sleep quality, most participants reported that they slept well on the day they had a Reiki session. Some continued to experience better sleep, while others returned to their usual sleep patterns within a couple of days or a week. A few participants completely overcame insomnia after a few sessions. Interestingly, 95% of clients fall asleep during the session, typically about in 15 minutes after the reiki session starts. After that, some enter a deep sleep, while others experience a wavy sleep pattern, alternating between deep and shallow sleep.

In terms of pulse rate, all participants in the study experienced a slower pulse rate after the session, and the pulse wave displayed a slightly flattened pattern. (I utilized an Apple Watch to record the pulse wave.)

If you are interested in one of the scientific evidences, Please click here.


I have written a book about the translation of stone memorials of Usui, along with Japanese historical background. It portrays Mr. Usui as an ordinary person, not a deity. The book is scheduled to be published in fall 2024. Additionally, I am writing about the 'Tomita style hand healing.' It is the only evidence left since Usui's death, written in 1933, and it illustrates the early stage of Usui Reiki Healing.

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